Mining the ocean is controversial. Could the Enterprise do it right?
After all, these guys did save the whales.
What exactly is the 'Eye of Aldhani' in Andor?
It may look like a meteor shower on steroids—but it doesn't act like one.
The darkest form of environmentalism
Gilead, the fictional Christian state in The Handmaid's Tale, is kind of an ecofascist paradise.
A fantasy-themed bar brings the magic of chemistry to life
Science and magic collide at The Cauldron, a fantasy-inspired potion bar that showcases molecular mixology.
How Star Trek changed NASA, helped save the whales, and more
Author Ryan Britt discusses his new book Phasers on Stun! How the Making (and Remaking) of Star Trek Changed the World
Are hydrogen-hungry microbes everything the body needs?
Maybe not, but they could change our food systems for the better.
How fungi can help feed future space colonies
Belter Kibble isn't far off from what future astronauts might eat.
A pan-African utopia in the stars
Scientist and author Maurice Broaddus talks about the backstory to his new space opera Sweep of Stars — and where the series is headed.
The Godzilla science guide you didn't know you needed
Atomic breath can serve an evolutionary purpose, too.